Want to know how to view private Facebook pages?
Be wary of sites that claim you can view private Facebook pages or profiles
You may have seen some of these sites before – the ones that claim you can view private Facebook pages by just entering a person’s unique profile ID. Let me give it to you straight: they don’t work. They may have worked before Facebook caught it and patched it up, but they do not work now and probably will not work in the future. Let me give you some examples of these sites:
Facebookspy.org claims that you can view private Facebook profiles
Facebookspy.org was created in November 24, 2007 and it might have worked at that time and you may have been able to see private Facebook pages. But Facebook has since changed its markup language to ensure the privacy of its users. In June of 2007, you were able to search for private profiles using advanced search features to reveal people’s names, pictures, religion and sexual orientation. Not long after the discovery of that, Facebook clarified that only names and some non-revealing info, not profile content, is opened to search engine spiders.
Stay away from like spyonfacebook.com and viewprivatefacebookprofiles.com.
These sites asks for you to submit your email address, access code, or perform some function like clicking through an ad to be able to view a private Facebook page. These sites are email scams and are just trying to generate revenue through an ad click or by selling your email address.
I didn’t want to leave you empty handed so here are some tips and tricks for using Facebook.
Let’s say you have somebody who is not your friend yet on Facebook or you have a friend request. Usually you’ll have a 100 by 100 pixel image of them and it may be hard to tell who it is.
Add a Friend on Facebook
This is what you can do to see a larger image:
1. “Right click” on the small picture and choose “Properties“.
2. Copy the location. You should have something like this :
3. Paste this link in your browser and change the “s” to a “n” and press enter. The new link should be:
And it also should be large enough for you to see who it is. (Double the size)
Please leave any comments below of any tips and tricks you know on Facebook.
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