Paypal is providing a method that make you selling, buying or shopping online without exposing your credit card or bank account's information. Just when you shop online use the paypal icon ot check out rather than providing your card details. In addition to that if you have a business or online site you can receive money or transfer money using it and let your customers feel secure using your site, or order your service but how you can make and manage paypal account
First: make an email address and dedcate it just for paypal.
Second: Use this link to access paypal website, any time you go to paypal website make sure you are in the correct website, you do not want to give your cards info to the wrong website.
Third: On paypal website go to sign up, and select the type of your account, all of them are free but as start it is better to select 'premier' account, the charge for receiving money on the premier account is lesser than the personal account and you can transfer more money from your paypal balance to your bank account each month. Also you can go for the business account, if you are going to receive that much money.
Fourth: You can add your credit card or bank account, edit you password or upgrade your account. Go to security center in paypal website and read how you can use your paypal safety.
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